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The ULTIMATE One Piece TCG Guide: Rules, Tips, and Strategies

The ULTIMATE One Piece TCG Guide: Rules, Tips, and Strategies

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Hello, One Piece fan and card game lover! You've probably heard about the One Piece trading card game (TCG), right? If you haven't had the chance to try it yet, you're missing out on an incredibly exciting and fun universe! 💥

Our blog aims to introduce you to the basic rules of the One Piece trading card game, but not only that! We will also give you tips to improve your strategy, help you build your deck, and share pro secrets to help you defeat all your opponents.

Whether you're a beginner or an experienced player, our blog will be useful to you. We will explore all aspects of the game, including the different types of cards, the rules, and, of course, the best tactics to win. We are confident that you will have a blast learning new ways to play and discovering the latest trends in the One Piece community.

So, grab your cards and join us for an exciting adventure in the world of One Piece! 🏴‍☠️

one piece tcg leader cards
  • How to Start with One Piece TCG

  • The Basics of One Piece TCG

  • Building Your One Piece TCG Deck

  • How to Win a Game

  • How to Play One Piece TCG

  • The Different Play Zones

  • Starting a One Piece TCG Game

  • The Different Phases of a Turn

  • Battles in One Piece TCG

One Piece TCG: Celebrating 25 Years of the Manga!

Imagine, dear One Piece fan, that the manga celebrated its 25th anniversary in 2022! To mark this occasion, the creators released the One Piece trading card game in July 2022 in Japan. 🇯🇵

The cards are beautifully crafted and depict the most iconic characters, places, and events from One Piece. You'll love the original illustrations from the manga and anime series, as well as the exclusive creations for the game. And the best part is that the cards are real collector's items! 🌟

one piece tcg leader cards

Getting Started with One Piece TCG: Tips and Preconstructed Decks

If you are a die-hard One Piece fan looking to understand the One Piece TCG, you're in the right place! Here are some tips to help you get started.🚀

The first edition of One Piece TCG, called Romance Dawn, is a gem for all manga fans. The cards are stunning and feature the most iconic characters from the series. For beginners, it is recommended to start with preconstructed decks (that contain everything you need to start playing: a leader, a 50-card deck, 10 Don!! cards, and an explanatory booklet. 📚

There are four different preconstructed decks, each with its own leader, color, and strategy. Choose the one that suits you best based on your favorite characters and play style.

Once you become more experienced, you can start collecting individual cards and build your own custom deck. But for now, preconstructed decks are perfect for getting familiar with the game and having fun right from the start. 💫

The Purple Deck

one piece tcg starter decks

The Purple Deck is perfect for fans of Kaido and the Beasts Pirates. The cards in this deck have powerful effects that rely on Don!! cards, giving your characters a decisive advantage over your opponents. 💪

With Kaido as the leader, the Purple Deck is ideal for players who enjoy offensive and aggressive strategies. The characters in this deck are very strong and can deal significant damage to your opponents.

If you're looking to create a deck focused on brute strength and power, the Purple Deck is for you. With its powerful characters and Don!! card-based effects, you'll crush your opponents in no time. 😈

The Green Deck

The Green Deck is the best option for players looking to adopt a fast-paced attack strategy while strengthening their defense to better counter their opponents' assaults. Based on the Seven Warlords of the Sea, this deck is perfect for players who enjoy diversity and versatility. 😤

With its cards featuring various effects, the Green Deck offers numerous tactical and strategic options for players. Whether for launching swift attacks or countering enemy assaults, the characters in this deck are all very useful and powerful.

If you like versatility and are looking for a deck that allows you to adapt your strategy based on your opponent, the Green Deck is for you. 🍀

The Blue Deck

The Blue Deck is perfect for players who enjoy playing strategically and controlling the game. With Crocodile as the leader and the Worst Generation in the spotlight, this deck is designed to block your opponents' moves and take control of the game board. 🎮

The characters in the Blue Deck have the Blocker ability, allowing them to stop enemy attacks and maintain pressure on your opponents. With this deck, you can control your opponents' moves and prevent them from launching decisive attacks.

If you're looking for a deck that allows you to control the game board and win through well-thought-out strategy, the Blue Deck is for you. 🥶

The Red Deck

The Red Deck is ideal for players who enjoy playing aggressively and inflicting damage on their opponents from the beginning of the game. Based on Luffy and the Straw Hat Crew, this deck is built around characters with the Rush ability to attack as soon as they enter the game.

With its highly offensive cards, the Red Deck is perfect for players looking to quickly gain an advantage over their opponents and deal significant damage. The characters in this deck are very powerful and capable of attacking as soon as they enter the game, making it a formidable choice for aggressive players.💣

If you enjoy playing offensively and want a deck that allows you to inflict significant damage from the start of the game, the Red Deck is for you. 😡

These four starter decks have been available since the official release of the One Piece TCG. In addition to these starter decks, five new decks have been added!

  • Deck Starter One Piece FILM Edition (ST-05) 
  • Deck Starter One Piece The Navy (ST-06) 
  • Deck Starter One Piece Big Mom Pirates (ST-07) 
  • Deck Starter One Piece Side Monkey.D.Luffy (ST-08) 
  • Deck Starter One Piece Side Yamato (ST-09) 

The Different Types of Cards in One Piece TCG

Leaders: The Soul of Your One Piece Deck

one piece tcg

In One Piece TCG, each deck relies on a Leader card that dictates your overall strategy. Therefore, selecting your Leader is crucial as it determines your number of life points displayed at the bottom right of the card.⬇️

Your Leader is the central pillar of your deck, and protecting them is essential to maintain an advantage over your opponent. If you lose your Leader and all your life points, you lose the game.😒

Leaders are key characters from the One Piece universe, each possessing unique special abilities. In the game, they are treated like ordinary characters and can attack and use special abilities. Therefore, it's very important to protect them and use them to their full potential.

Choosing your Leader can also impact your card selection in your deck, as each Leader has different abilities and attributes. It's crucial to think carefully about your choice and adapt it to your overall strategy.

Don!!: The Heart of Strategy

one piece tcg

In One Piece: The Card Game, managing your Don!! deck is the key to your victory. This special deck of 10 cards allows you to pay the cost of your cards and unlock special abilities.😶‍🌫️

At the beginning of each turn, you place two Don!! cards in your cost zone, and you can use them to play your cards. You can also attach them to your Leader or one of your characters to give them an attack bonus.

But be careful not to use all your Don!! cards too quickly, or you might find yourself unable to play your most important cards. Your opponent can also force you to use them more quickly by dealing damage to you.😵

So, you must manage your Don!! deck carefully based on your strategy and the current state of the game. Don't hesitate to include cards that allow you to draw additional Don!! cards or recover used Don!! cards.

Character Cards

one piece tcg

Character cards are crucial for your strategy as they have different characteristics such as life points, attack strength, and special abilities.♟

The cost of each Character card is indicated in a circle at the top left of the card. For example, if the cost is 3, you need to pay 3 Don!! cards to play it. But be careful, you cannot play Character cards whose cost exceeds the number of Don!! cards you have in play.

You also cannot have more than 5 Character cards in play at any time. If you want to play a sixth Character card, you must remove one of the Character cards in play to replace it.🔄

Each Character can attack the opposing Leader or other Characters. But keep in mind that if your Characters lose a battle, they are removed from the game. So, don't forget to protect them! The special abilities of each Character can also be used to turn the tide of the game in your favor.

Event Cards

one piece tcg

Event cards  are very important in One Piece TCG. They have various effects, and some can even be played to counter an opponent's attack. You can easily recognize them by their yellow borders, and their cost is displayed at the top left of each card. 🟨

As with Characters, you pay the cost of each Event card with your Don!! cards. After playing them, they go directly to your discard pile.

It is crucial to choose the right Event cards to include in your deck, as some can be decisive for the course of the game. They can help you strengthen your attacks, weaken those of your opponent, or even cancel special abilities. Remember that Event cards are key elements of your strategy and can make the difference between a win and a loss.🏆

Stage Cards

one piece tcg

Stage cards are distinguished by their red borders, and their cost is indicated at the top left of each card. Just like with Character, Event, and Arena cards, you pay their cost with Don!! cards.

Stage cards offer different effects that can turn the tide of the game. Once played, they are immediately placed in play and can provide tactical advantages to your Leader and Characters. However, it's important to note that you can only have one in play at a time.

How to Build Your Deck

one piece tcg

To play One Piece TCG, make sure you have three key elements: 🔑

  • Leader cards
  • A 50-card deck, all of the same color as your Leader
  • A Don!! deck containing 10 Don!! cards

The 50-card deck consists of Character, Event, and Stage cards. However, it is important to note that you can only include four copies of a card with the same collection number.

It is also important to note that some cards are specific to a Leader or a particular crew, so they are not suitable for all types of decks. Take the time to choose the cards that best fit your strategy and play style. 🤔

Winning the Game

one piece tcg

One Piece TCG offers two different ways to win the game:

The first way is to deal enough damage to your opponent's Leader to completely defeat them, which will end the game. To do this, you will need to use your cards strategically and efficiently, choosing the right moments to launch your attacks and defend against those of your opponent.🛡

The second way to win is to completely exhaust your opponent's deck. This can be accomplished by using cards that allow you to destroy or remove cards from your opponent's deck or by forcing them to draw many cards without being able to replace them. 😰

To win the game, you must be skillful in managing your own deck and defending your Leader while trying to exhaust your opponent's resources. It is a game of strategy and tactics where every decision counts, so take the time to think carefully about your choices and your game plan. 🧠

Understanding the Different Play Zones

To play One Piece TCG, you need to understand the different play zones. Here are the 8 play zones you need to know:

  1. Character Zone: This is where you place your character cards once played. You can only have 5 characters in play at any time.
  2. Leader Zone: Your Leader starts the game directly in play in its own zone.
  3. Stage Card Zone: Stage cards also have their own zone. You can only have one Stage card in play at a time.
  4. Deck: This is where you place your 50-card deck at the start of the game. You draw your cards from this deck.
  5. Discard Pile: This is where you place all the cards you no longer use, such as KO'd characters or event cards after use.
  6. Cost Zone: This is where Don!! cards are placed face-up at each turn. You can use these cards by attaching them to your Leader or characters before returning them to this zone at the beginning of your turn during the Don!! phase.
  7. Don!! Deck: This is where you place your Don!! deck composed of 10 Don!! cards that will join your cost zone during the game.
  8. Life Points: This is where you place the cards that represent your life points.

By understanding these different play zones, you'll be ready to play One Piece TCG!

Starting a One Piece TCG Game

Here are the steps to follow to start a One Piece TCG game:

  1. Take your 50-card deck and your Don!! deck, then place them in their respective zones, both well-shuffled.
  2. Place your Leader card in play in the designated zone.
  3. Determine the player who will start the game. You can do this by playing rock-paper-scissors or by drawing lots.
  4. Draw the first five cards from your deck.
  5. If you are not satisfied with the drawn cards, you can shuffle them back into your deck and draw five new ones. You can only use this action once per game.
  6. Take as many cards as the number of life points of your Leader from the top of your deck, then place them face-down in your life points zone.
  7. The player who starts the game begins their first turn.

By following these steps, you'll be ready to play One Piece TCG and enjoy an exciting experience!

The Phases of a Turn

The different phases of a turn are as follows:

Refresh Phase

During the Refresh phase, two important actions occur:

  1. All Don!! cards you used in the previous turn are placed face-up in your cost zone, ready to be reused.
  2. All cards that were put into rest mode during the previous turn are switched to active mode, allowing you to use them for actions during this turn.

It is important to understand this phase to optimize your strategy and actions during each turn. 🎯

Draw Phase

At the beginning of your turn, you must draw a card from your deck and place it in your hand. Note that if you are the player who starts the game, you do not draw a card during your first turn.

Make sure to understand this step well, as drawing can provide you with additional options for your actions during your turn.

Don!! Phase

During the Don!! phase, you must take the first two cards from your Don!! deck and place them face-up in your cost zone. If you are the player who starts the game, you only place one Don!! card in your cost zone during your first turn. Keep in mind that these cards allow you to activate special effects for your characters and your Leader, so make sure to use them well to optimize your actions. ✅

Main Phase

During the Main phase, you can perform four actions in any order you wish and as many times as you want:

  1. Attack: You can attack by putting one of your characters or your Leader in rest mode. However, characters you just played cannot attack on the same turn they were played. Note that during your first turn, you cannot attack. 💣
  2. Play a Card: Choose a card from your hand and place it in rest mode by paying the necessary Don!! cost. Character and Stage cards are placed in play, while Event cards are sent directly to your discard pile. 🕹
  3. Attach Don!! Cards: You can attach active Don!! cards to your Leader or one of your characters to give them a +1000 attack bonus during your turn. If the card they are attached to leaves the game, the Don!! cards return to your cost zone in rest mode. 💯
  4. Use a Card Effect: You can use the effects of Leader, Character, or Stage cards in play by fulfilling the necessary conditions. Note that some effects can only be used once per turn, which is specified on the card. ☝️

End Phase

Once you have completed all possible actions, the End phase begins. This is when all effects that last only "this turn" end. Make sure to understand this point well, as some effects may last longer than that.

Once all effects are resolved, you can declare the end of your turn. This allows your opponent to start their turn. Keep in mind that you cannot perform actions once you have declared the end of your turn. ⌛️

How Battles Work

Preparing Your Attack

In this card game, battles are very important and occur during your Main phase. You have the possibility to play cards, attach Don!! cards to your characters, use card effects, and attack as many times as you want, in any order. 🔄

To maximize the effectiveness of your attack, I recommend attaching Don!! cards or using cards and effects to strengthen your Leader or Characters before launching them into battle. Once you have started an attack with a character or leader, you cannot use effects on them anymore. Therefore, it is important to carefully plan your attack for the best possible result.📈

Attack Phase

During the Attack phase, you can choose your Leader or one of your Characters and put them in rest mode to use them as an attacker. You can attack your opponent's Leader at any time, but your opponent's Characters can only be attacked if they are in rest mode.

Note that your Characters cannot attack on the same turn they were played, and you cannot attack during your first turn. However, some Characters have the Rush ability, allowing them to attack as soon as they enter play.

In summary, to attack, you must put a Character in rest mode and designate a target to attack. You can attack the opposing Leader at any time, and opposing Characters can only be attacked if they are in rest mode.🧨

Blocker Phase

Now we move on to the Blocker phase. When your opponent attacks your Leader or one of your Characters, you can use a Character with the Blocker ability to block the attack. For example, if your opponent attacks your Leader, you can use your Character with the Blocker ability to take the place of your Leader and thus protect your Leader from enemy attacks. 😠

It is important to know that you can only use one Character to block an attack, and the Character used to block cannot attack this turn. Therefore, you need to strategically think about using your Characters with the Blocker ability to effectively protect your Characters and your Leader. 👺

Counter Phase

Welcome to the Counter phase! Here, you can play Counter cards from your hand to boost the attack of your Leader or Character that is being attacked.

Event cards like Guard Point have the Counter ability and can be played during the Counter phase by paying their cost to increase the power of your Leader or Character under attack.

However, be careful! Playing Counter cards can quickly deplete your hand, so it is important to evaluate the usefulness of each card before playing it. By using your Counter cards wisely, you can turn the tide of a game and gain an advantage over your opponent. So, don't hesitate to play your cards strategically to become the master of the game! 💯

Damage Phase

The Damage phase is crucial for determining the winner of a battle. If you attack with a card whose attack is greater than or equal to the defense of the defending card, you win the battle. On the other hand, if your attack is less than the defense of the defending card, your attack is blocked, and no damage is dealt.

If you attack the opposing Leader and win the battle, the opposing Leader takes one point of damage. If you attack a Character and win the battle, the Character is KO'd and sent to the discard pile.☠️

If your Leader takes one point of damage, you lose one life point, and you must add a card from your life points zone to your hand.

If you have no more cards in your life points zone and your Leader takes one point of damage, you lose the game. So, be careful and don't hesitate to play Counter cards or block enemy attacks to avoid taking unnecessary damage. 😵


In conclusion, the rules of the One Piece card game may seem complex at first glance, but they are actually very simple to understand and apply. The game is easy to learn for beginners while offering enough strategic depth for experienced players to enjoy.🤩

By following the game steps—preparation, drawing, playing Characters, attacking, and dealing damage—you can easily start playing One Piece TCG. Don't forget to use your card abilities well to turn the tide of the game and gain an advantage over your opponent.🥇

If you are looking for One Piece TCG products to complete your collection or to start playing, our site offers a wide variety of products, including preconstructed decks, boosters, booster boxes, and game accessories. Feel free to explore our selection and find the cards that best suit your play style.

You can also click here for a quick and illustrated summary of the One Piece card game rules: Rule Overview Sheet or you can also watch a full video tutorial from the official One piece Trading Card Game website here.

Finally, whether you are a One Piece fan or simply a card game player looking for a new challenge, we hope this guide has been useful to you and that you will enjoy playing One Piece TCG!🚀